What’s up with Quiet Quitting? And (how) can it be solved?

Are you feeling like you’re just going through the motions at work? You might be “quiet quitting”. This term refers to doing the bare minimum and putting in no extra effort or enthusiasm. It’s been used mostly by american employers describing employees who do their job as expected, but don’t go above and beyond.

While this concept has yet to gain traction in Europe, it is important to note that such a viewpoint could be damaging. The term itself can be seen as a form of shaming, implying that those who don’t dedicate their lives to their job are ‚quitters’.

Instead of supporting the usage of the term „quiet quitting“, we raise the question for employers and employees alike why people feel less motivated to put in work and what can be done to achieve a rewarding experience for both employees and employers.

Why are people putting in less effort at work?

Working in the sports industry can be a great experience, but it can also be a challenging one. It’s not uncommon for employers to expect you to go above and beyond while simultaneously suggesting you’re replaceable at any moment. You may start off feeling valued, but as time goes on, the feeling shifts and you’re left feeling devalued, leading to a lack of motivation and purpose in your job.

In short, a change of how people work is evolving because they are fed up with the lack of appreciation and rewards for their effort. Companies have been reducing their workforce since 2000 due to major financial disasters and a pandemic while still expecting productivity to rise. Through evolving technology, i.e. computers at work since the 90s, workers have also increased their output over the years, but their pay and benefits haven’t kept up. This has been especially noticeable due to the most recent inflation.

It’s especially been a matter for the younger generations. Gen Z has been particularly affected by the pandemic, as it has stripped away the joy of their jobs and made them realize that their worth is not defined by their labor. This has affected much of their relationship with work, resulting in a more nuanced understanding how work has space in their lives which is different from previous generations.

How can employees be valued in a better way?

The answer to this question is key to understanding how to address the main issues of a lack of motivation at work. It’s mostly about valuing people. People have realised that giving 200% in their jobs does rarely result in any benefits, be it a raise, a bonus or the bare minimum: appreciation. So why would they “exceed expectations” if there is no reward for it?

There’s two important ways to solve this: Rewarding people for the work they do and creating a positive work environment.

By creating a work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated, employers can ensure that their workers are engaged and motivated – which will ultimately lead to better results for everyone involved. This also means catering to the needs of individuals and offering them the benefits that they are looking for. For one person, this may be financial rewards, for another working from home and for a third a better work-life-balance.

It is also not only about rewards, but also about the way that employees are treated.
Managers need to take steps to improve their leadership skills. This could include providing more feedback, caring for their team members’ mental health, setting clear expectations, and recognizing good work.
Employers should be aware of the signs of their employees losing their drive and take steps to address it early-on. This could include having regular check-ins with employees, offering flexible working arrangements or providing additional training or development opportunities for employees who are struggling with motivation.

This is not a one-sided issue though. Employees also need to take steps to keep a positive relation to their work. They need to make sure their voice is heard and that they are being treated fairly. They should also define what makes them feel valued by their employer, not just through their salary or benefits package. If they know what they are looking for in a job and what it takes for them to engage with their work, they can communicate it better in an interview or during their next check-up.


It is clear that the concept of “quiet quitting” is a valid result of a lack of motivation and appreciation in the workplace which does not deserve being degraded. To solve this issue, employers and employees need to work together to create a positive work environment where people feel valued and appreciated.

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